The Bucket List Approach to Birding

Bucket List Birding
Why are most birding tours so long and so hard core? A lot of people this day and age are too busy to disconnect. Let’s concentrate on seeing and photographing the enigmatic and colorful birds, while getting some wildlife, culture and culinary experiences as well. For our tours you only need to take 5 days off from work to visit you dream destinations around the world. Watch birds near Machu Picchu, Taj Mahal, Petra, Rome, Rio, Angkor Wat, Chichen Itza and the Pyramids. Focus on the world’s most spectacular birds, while the other birds you see on these tours is just the icing on the cake.
We concentrate on the essentials which attracted you to go to the destination in the first place. This simple focus, makes these tours very suitable for both experienced birders as well as those who just have started. Even a non-birding spouse, will have no problem putting up with our trips. After all, they are only 5 days and packaged with experiences that you don’t have to be a birder to enjoy.
Many birders will argue, that with such a long flight on the other side of the world, one would certainly want to stay longer than 5 days, and this is true…
Therefore, on practically all our tours, you may add extensions for more traditional birding where chasing down endemics, or specific targets would be the focus. It is no problem making our short trips a bit longer, if you wish.
But, if you have limited time, and you have a bucket list of world heritage places you want to visit, iconic mammals and spectacular birds you want to see, then the 5 day core tour is just what you need. Let’s face it, it is probably time more than anything, that keeps you from knocking off the items on your bucket lists.
7 Wonders Birding Tours is a Kolibri Expeditions off-shoot.
Don’t let “TOO BUSY” be an excuse to not see the world.