The Pantanal – Jaguar Safari and Hyacinth Macaw
July 26 - August 1
$3330If you want to see the best mammals of the Amazon, don’t go to the Amazon. Go to the Pantanal in Brazil! In the Amazon the ecosystem is very complex, closed by a lot of vegetation and the animals are scarce and hard to find. On the other hand, in the open savanna of the Pantanal, the animals have Amazon origin but are more plentiful and less concealed. Hence, it is the best place to spot Jaguars, Giant Otter, Tapir, Capybaras, Howler Monkeys, Caimans, and even Maned Wolf and Ocelot sometimes. Additionally, it is home to big iconic birds such as Jabiru Stork, Toco Toucan, Agami Heron, Sunbittern, Sungrebe, Hoatzin, and of course the gigantic vivid blue Hyacinth Macaws. This trip offers Amazonian Wildlife like no other area in South America.
Our 7-day trip fits within two weekends, so you can usually get to Sao Paulo and back to your own country only taking 5 days off from work.
See the detailed Itinerary here.